Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Shout out to mother (Big) Red.
You forfeited a birthday to give birth to me. Your grace and presence continues to amaze me. Your heart and love overwhelm me. I love you for all that you are and all that you made me.

Shout out to everyone who plays music, makes music and listens to music.
Music reminds us of life and struggle and progress and possibilities. It is abstract and concrete. All our lives have soundtracks. I only wish more people took the time to listen.

Shout out to brother Fox.
The brother I never knew I needed until it happened. Sometimes people come and go in your life, sometimes they stick around. I'm glad you are the latter and not the former.

Shout out to Comic books.
Spider-Man, X-Men and Daredevil honed my appreciation for the English language. They also stoked my imagination. They took me to places I always wanted to go. Storm, Black Panther and Luke Cage (Power Man) taught me being black did not mean I make any less of an impact than anyone else.

Shout out to Fatima, the ghetto Princess.
My cat, roommate and friend of 8 years. She loves me unconditionally as long as I feed her (and she'll forgive me if I forget). She's gotten me through many a tough time and she has a fierce mean streak that has taken many people by surprise.

Shout out to the people who keep me grounded.
A Dot, The *, Rev, Tiny, Pelau, Pip Pip, Mini-B (welcome back girl!), the list goes on. There is no rhyme or reason to friendship. It Thank you all for being yourselves and being sounding boards for my hopes, dreams, trials and tribulations.

Shout out to growing up in the ghetto.
Saturday morning cartoons with my cousins, Quarter Waters, Chic-o-stix, Atari, nosy neighbors who really cared, fistfights, throwing shredded newspaper out the window on New Years, going to the laundromat, records, getting jumped, off the wall (the game), Off The Wall (the album), boom boxes, going to the movies, hand-me-downs, listening through the pipes, roaches, broken elevators, broken dreams, broken promises...

As I sit here in the last few hours of my thirtieth year I reflect and give thanks.


At 9:18 AM, Blogger MsPerdie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RED!!!!!!! Many many more... do you know who I am? Hee Hee!!!!


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