Saturday, April 30, 2005

Me vs Me

Part of the problem of being me is self image. How you percieve yourself sets the tone for how others interact with you. What do you do when you feel at odds with yourself?

This is me

I'm somewhat of a loner. I like my space. I like not being surrounded by people. I like not having to put on a smile for friends and hanging out all the time. I like not answering the phone unless the mood strikes me. I like my home somewhat cluttered. I like not talking to my neighbors. I like my nasty cat.

Then there's that other me.

I'm funloving and freespirited. I like driving on the interstate with my windows down and the volume up. I like shopping and Sci-Fi. I like house music and hip-hop. I like Comic books and barhopping with friends. I like sex (!).

There's more to me than meets the eye but I only seem to show one side at a time. Different sides for different people. Sometimes I feel like a chameleon, blending in with my surroundings so as not to draw attention to myself. There seems to be this desire to fly below the radar and then I ask myself "what happened to me?"

So, as I sit here recovering I am listening to the song for the day: Brandy - Focus


At 1:30 PM, Blogger The Foxybrown Show said...

Well, the way I see it is no matter what the outcome YOU will be the winner. It's all good that you don't answer the phone just as long as your there when a friend needs you. So what your place is cluttered your bound to have a friend who is more than willing to play Florence the maid for a weekend! Life is all about balance and everyday we wake up we get another chance to get better at it! Foxworth......Out!


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