Friday, October 28, 2005

I Blog, therefore I am?


I am, therefore I blog (when I feel like it).

I don't just blog to run off at the mouth. I speak when feel I have something meaningful to say.

What's that you ask? "What's so meaningful about a Kool-Aid Martini?" Obviously you've never had one.

There are only so many poems and introspective pieces a brother can write before he says to himself "Even I think this shit is tired." Sometimes you have to change things up. Sometimes u need to take a break. Sometimes you need inspiration. Guess what hit me today?

I'm jaded. I'm revitalized. I'm funny. I'm sarcastic. I am Dirty Redd. During the next few weeks we'll figure out what happened to 'Red' and how he became the Dirty boy he is today.


At 3:24 PM, Blogger MsPerdie said...

You are..... FANTASTIC!!!! LMAO!


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